Earth Hour

earth hour


I hope you’ve been hearing a lot about Earth hour because it is such a great idea and cause to participate in.

What is Earth Hour?

Earth Hour is a movement of turning out your lights of your home for an hour, specifically 8:30-9:30 PM. The movement is organized by my favorite organization, the World Wildlife Fund, and has become a global movement. Many places and businesses have come together and committed to this great cause like Big Ben, the Eiffel Tower, the Space Needle, and Google.

The World Wildlife Fund is doing great things with this movement and their reasons why are why I love them.

“we are showing everyone that the world’s environmental issues don’t have to overwhelm us.”

What environmental issues?

To put it simply, we get our energy from nonrenewable sources and sources that hurt the planet by producing air pollution and a strain on those nonrenewable sources; soon there will be none left to take or the harm to the planet will be too great to reverse.

Conserving and using more renewable (solar and wind power) helps reduce the results of this strain and air pollution. In the coming years we have come a long way and according to this report in 2012, 49.1 % of our energy used in the US are renewable.

We still have a way to go and a few people to convince but we are making strides. The WWF movement of Earth is trying to just that.

“Small things we do every day can make a better future. Join the movement and make your commitment to a better planet.”

What small things, things like:

  • Unplugging things that are not in use such as your cell phone chargers, computers at night.
  • Turn out lights
  • Using fans in the summer and reduce the use of the AC when no one is home.
  • Switching to using compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs.

Most of these things have been taught by my parents not exactly to be green but to reduce the cost of the electric bill every month. So not only do you help save the planet, you also get to save money.

I’m making the stand this Saturday to reduce my impact on this world, will you?



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